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Putting a More Human Touch on Your Content

  • November 20 2014
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Have you ever read content that is so boring and out of touch that you have no interest in reading further? You probably have since this is quite common. However, in order to interest readers you want the exact opposite in your writing. Content should be engaging and interesting to read in order to keep your readers captivated and wanting to read on. In order to do this you must make a personal connection with your readers by adding a human touch to your writing that allows readers to relate to what you have to say. Here are a few tips in order to create content that will reel your readers in.


Get Personal

One of the best ways to engage your readers is to tell a personal story in your content. This is a great way to make a personal connection to your readers, as many will be able to relate to your stories. Providing your readers with your very own experiences as your content’s topic show that not only is the content informative and useful, but that you can validate it as well. Instead of coming off as an untouchable and lofty expert, telling a story will allow you to come off as someone who is able to experience exactly what your readers are experiencing.


Use Personal Language

One technique that goes a long way when it comes to fostering a real connection with your readers is to use language that makes them feel as if you’re actually talking to them. A good way to do this is to utilize the word “you” when you write. This will move your content from being theoretical to making it a piece that is applicable to your readers and their experiences. For instance writing “here are ten tips that will help you write” instead of “here are ten writing tips”.


Picture Someone While You Write

A very easy way to change the way you write and your tone is to write the content keeping a specific person in mind. Try visualizing someone you know while you’re writing and pretend that you’re writing your content for them. This will allow you to write in a much more personalized way. Your readers will notice the difference when you write to meet someone’s actual needs. Just make sure you keep your writing broad enough so a large audience can enjoy and utilize it.


Write Content Based on Reader’s Needs

Although this may sound pretty intuitive, the more that your content is based on the real problems and needs of your audience the more likely they’ll feel connected to you on a more personal level. It is much easier to make people feel connected to your writing if they believe that you fully understand the situation that they are attempting to overcome. This can be hard to do without knowing exactly what your readers’ problems are, but finding out is as simple as receiving feedback from polls and surveys.


Using Multi-Media

Using different types of multimedia is a great way to humanize and make yourself much more easier to relate to. Posting a picture of yourself will put a face to the words will allow readers to not feel like they’re just reading a block of text, but that they’re actually reading your thoughts, opinions, ideas and knowledge on a certain subject. You can even post a video, which will not only put both a voice and face to your writing, but also communicate a huge amount using your body language and facial expressions while you talk about a certain subject.

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Cameron Mackey

Cameron is the Content Manager for the Vorongo Blog. He has spent three years in various content marketing roles. When he is not working with Vorongo he enjoys photography and hiking.

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