6 Ways to Create a Better “About Us” Page
Building a website can be challenging, even for professionals who have been working in this industry for many years. Because the specifications for developing a website can change significantly from time to time, everyone is striving to meet SEO requirements of major search engines like Google, Bing, Safari, Yahoo and others who determine where the site will rank. In this race to get to the top, it is important for everyone involved to make sure that they are not forgetting key areas like the about us page. The about us page is critical to the success of any site since it helps to set the overall tone for the business.
Significance of About Us Page
Being successful and effective in the industry of e-commerce involves a great deal of strategic planning. Some of which involves ensuring a global world of customers knows who you are and what you are about. With this information, people are allowed to put a face to a name. Thereby, allowing the business to become more human in the eyes of everyone that visits. Since people like to buy things from people they know and organizations that they are familiar with, the about us page can be utilized to accomplish this objective. The content that is created can present the team that works in an online business as friendly, personal, efficient and trustworthy. All of which are essential to building a solid and long lasting relationship. A longer About us page is also important in accomplishing another instrumental objective and this is keeping visitors on the site longer. Businesses that do well in this area may tell an interesting story of how the company was started and why they are in a specific kind of business. These stories are normally interesting, amusing, heartfelt or entertaining. Even though there is a worldwide market out there, the businesses that know how to reach their customers and keep them engaged are the ones that are more likely to be successful. With this said, in order to gain and maintain a competitive edge, the online entrepreneur will need to differentiate themselves from their competition. One of the best ways to do this is to address these concerns head on in the about us page. Understanding the importance of creating a stellar about us page is essential to developing a better one.
How to Make Your About Us Page Better:
Keep the About Us Page up to Date
In the real world of many companies, the about us page becomes stale or it may simply be a dinosaur. Because some businesses have not changed their about page since its inception, they may not know of its overall importance. To prevent this from happening, it is important for business owners and their representatives to keep this area in review for any updates that may occur.
Get others involved in its Creation
Another great way to improve the about us page is to solicit the opinion of others. People who are frank with providing an objective opinion can be very beneficial in several ways including participating a new design, modifying the content and changing the aesthetics of the page.
Establish Credibility
After several years in business, successful business owners can be deemed as experts in their industry if they are doing well in their craft. So, it is important for an about page to show this by displaying things that provide them with this distinction. One of the more common is talking about certifications that have been acquired over time.
Eliminate Fluff
Some about us pages are filled with useless information. Which means, the content that is provided is not relevant to the customer or the business. So, this is a major mistake that must be rectified as quickly possible.
Post-Real Pictures
As previously stated, one of the keys to success in these online businesses is building a relationship. Pictures can be very effective since it also is a connection to the customer. However, its important for real pictures to be used at all times.
Focus on Readability
When creating an about us page, it is important for everyone involved to focus on readability. When the page is easy to read because it flows well, people tend to stay much longer.

Cameron Mackey

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